Friday, April 4, 2008

Antoher Hair Cut

Mommy is the most darlingest mom there ever was! :) She was chosen to be a guest judge for the Miss Salom pageant! She was so excited to be able to do it and she wanted me to help her get all ready! We decided that we should give her a fresh hair cut...we did it super poofy...she looked so pretty, I had to take a couple pictures! Love you mommy!

The swooping bangs!

Fun Layers!


Heidi said...

AWESOME I love the layers and LOVE LOVE LOVE the swooping bangs! You are so talented halo. She is the cutest thing ever huh.

jakeandstephanietaylor said...

Wow Halo! good job...she looks beautiful! We do have a cute mom huh! We are so lucky...I love my mom and sisters! Thanks for hanging out tonight!

Alisha Johnson said...

I am so impressed Haley! Really, I want you to do my hair sometime!