Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wow time sure flies!! I'm always so excited for this time of year, so Im not just seemed to come super fast this year! We were going to go to a church for Thanksgiving this year, and let me tell ya....none of us were too thrilled about the idea! I think it is pretty neat that our family has grown so big that that is an option. But, with only 30 of us getting together when momma Sheri decided to offer our home for the gathering, we all got excited! A lot of work, but sooo worth it! Look at how beautiful everything turned out! Thanks to everyone who helped! Dad and Tay on the yard, Sue for bringing the table cloths and center pieces, and mom for her endless vaccuuming! OH and EVERYONE FOR ThE DELICIOUS FOOD! It turned out to be such a nice day!
This is my excited/hammered face and hair after everything was set up! And my happiness after we found my mommy's diamond that had come out of her ring!!! ( a whole other story!)

Mom and Grandma Greaves :)
Me and my Grandma and Granpa Greaves!!
Heidi and Juice, after a very satisfying meal
Jilly, Stacy and Angela
Jeanine bean, Barrett, and I just relaxin

Breanne brought candle warmers and scents for us to order!
Some of us girls
Jeanine, Shaelyn, me, breanne, Heidi

Okay so that is all the pictures that I took on Thanksgiving Day, but my goodness, the weekend had just started!! That evening I did gel/glitter toes on Heidi and Mom and Uncle Bob came over and we all hung out and watched a movie. Then the next day I spent with Steph and her kids....We played, did more manicures and pedicures and put some foils in Steph's hair. And that evening we went to Barrett and Jeanine's house to watch the Jazz play. It was a great game! We beat the Sacramento Kings and laughed really really hard at some awesome Boone commentary. :) We then headed over to Red Mango for a treat! I havent laughed so hard in long time! We were all on a sugar high or somethin....there was dancing, and weird talents revealed haha! Here are some pictures....I think the few people around must have thought we were nuts. We decided that we are going to have a family valentines dance this year..I cant wait!

Showing off our hand talents....

The gang! We missed Steph and Jake and the kids!
OHHHHHH....and I had a visit from one of my girlfriends from Rexburg! We got to spend some time together :) This is one of my besties ...Lindsay Borg!Hanging out in our sweats...catchin up and eating our double stuffed oreos...mmmm!
We ended up having a sleep-over party :) Then miss Lindsay had to leave me....I was so fun t spend some time with her. My year at BYU-IDAHO are some of my greatest memories!Then last night I had another great night! Jason and one of his mission buddies and I went to wingers and then met up with a bunch of friends and played around for a bit...then watched Vantage Point. I fell asleep after the third repeat...not a fan of that movie. haha!
OHHH....ANNDD I have done alot of this, this weekend. :) Just relaxing, chattin and lounging in whatever a darn well please :) It was a wonderful Thanksgiving 2008 :) I have enjoyed the nice fall weather...although...I am dreaming of a white Christmas...where is the snow???!!


Jeanine said...

Fun Pics Yo! Thanksgiving was blessed fo sho - your bro -Peace, Love, and prosperity! ;)

taylorrjohnson33 said...

Oh so so funny little girl!! Haha wow! Ps I'm incramers right now!