Sunday, November 8, 2009
Halloween Baby!
I got to be Little Bo-Peep for Halloween! IT was such a fun time! After a bit i did take off the hoop skirt because I was such a wide load! haha this is us at our ward party!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
An incredible summer!
The summer of 2009 has been one to remember! So many exciting things have taken place! This is a picture of my girlfriends and I at Jordan's shower. Kenzie and I threw it for her! We had a great turn out!
This is at Jordans luncheon
The Reception was beautiful!
we had a hair party after Jordan was back from her honeymoon....i was the last one to get weaved and so of course the cameras come out when I am lookin hot! :)
Kalai concert with Quinton, Kenzie, and Ryan!

Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm REALLY alive!!!
Our family took a nice vacation to California! We stayed right off the beach on 32nd street on New Port Beach! It was one of my favorite trips ever! I was trying to figure out what was so different about this one for me...and I've come to the conclusion that as you get older....sometimes the meaning of vacation changes...And for me this trip was so relaxing! Where as usually I'm looking to play play play! We did do a whole lot of fun things but I sure appreciated the travel time and quiet times as well.
Taylor and I enjoyed people watching! The lifestyle is so different. I went running 3 or 4 times along the ocean side. There are a ton of people that are out and active....running, biking, surfing!
After doing the beach one evening our family took a long walk to find some dinner. We ended up at this little shop just off the beach! I had the yummiest veggie-burger ever! This is also where I saw the most attractive surfer dude! :)

My favorite part of the whole trip was the last day when we rented beach cruisers and road along the sand and around town! It was super crowded and we all had to weave in and out of the people! But the bike ride was definitely the best part for me. PS>..Tay took this picture, my fav from the trip!
We did Disneyland and California Adventure for 2 days! I wasn't too thrilled when I heard that was the plan. But I was wrong! It was such a great time. Fun with the little kids as well!
My favorite was the parades. I love the music and lights! They do such an incredible job! And to think that they do it all every night!!!
Taylor, Dad and I...resting our feet. We were all tired and hungry...but none of us wanted to move! haha My favorite ride was Space Mountain, Tower of Terror and Screamin'! oh ANNNNDDD the teacups with little Savvy!
Over all it was such a great trip! We missed Barrett and Jeanine but look forward to doing it again with them!
Dad, Barrett, Taylor, Kyle Hansen, Michael and I went out to Deer Creek to go boating! It was such a nice night! I don't ever remember the canyon being so green and this time of was truly breath taking!
I AM ALSO STILL TEACHING COSMETOLOGY AT MATC...We had a BBQ with all of the instructors and girls. I really enjoy the ladies that I work with and feel lucky to be doing something that I enjoy so much!
This last week I taught about Make-up and Smokey eyes Technique! I love teaching because I learn so much as well!
I AM ALSO SINGING IN JENNY PHILLIPS CHOIR...I auditioned right after the pageant and made it into her choir. I participate in firesides with her and the group monthly. It is such a great way to share the spirit through music. I hope that it opens up new opportunities for me as well! Remember the Journey is the theme of this years youth fireside. I LOVE ALL OF THE MUSIC!
Last night we went up to grandma and grandpa Johnson's home to see family! For the program, Grandma shared a little bit of her memory about her grandmothers and then read a poem that grandpa wrote about his mothers apron. In the poems were shared memories of her pockets filled with pen, paper, string, goodies, and whatever that was needed. He mentioned that her apron had wiped tears with love and been a symbol of her service. Afterward Grandma presented each one of her granddaughters and laws with a home sewn apron with our names on it. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed at her kindness and thoughtfulness. She is incredible!

My favorite part of the whole trip was the last day when we rented beach cruisers and road along the sand and around town! It was super crowded and we all had to weave in and out of the people! But the bike ride was definitely the best part for me. PS>..Tay took this picture, my fav from the trip!

Dad, Barrett, Taylor, Kyle Hansen, Michael and I went out to Deer Creek to go boating! It was such a nice night! I don't ever remember the canyon being so green and this time of was truly breath taking!

Justin's Birthday!

My Amazing Syblings

I haven't had a chance to write about Barrett and Jeanine both!...Both of there birthdays were a couple months back. I have to say, I feel so grateful for my relationship with them both individually. I think the world of...
Jeanine and her many talents and her wonderful understanding of life. She is always willing to lend a listening ear and always gives great advice. I am so thankful for our friendship and feel like we are becoming better and better friends all the time.
Barrett...what a heart of gold. Ever since I was a young child I've always been drawn to my older brother. He is my greatest support in developing and sharing my talents. He is so wonderful to me. I think I like most about Barrett is he is his smiles, hugs and giggles...we always have a good time!
I love you both and hope you know how much I appreciate your goodness! Happy Happy Belated Birthday to you both! I love you!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday, 18 May 2009
Miss Orem 2009-2010 crowned on Saturday
Daily Herald
Chelsey Ingersoll, a graduating senior from Mountain View High School, was crowned Miss Orem 2009-2010 at the annual scholarship pageant on Saturday night at the SCERA Center for the Arts in Orem. As the new Miss Orem, Ingersoll receives $2,750 in scholarship money. She plans to attend Brigham Young University this fall, and to pursue a career as a pediatric cardiologist.
First runner-up in the competition was Alexis Hatch, a sophomore at BYU majoring in music therapy, who was awarded a $1,120 scholarship. Also named as attendants and scholarship recipients were Emily Jacobsen, Graceann Jacobson and Whitney Bunker.
In the talent competition, Ingersoll performed a sizzling tango/cha-cha dance number.
In response to an on-stage question about what has been her proudest accomplishment, Ingersoll responded, "Tonight, it was walking on stage in a swimsuit." She then added, "Waking up each day with a smile" regardless of circumstances.
Ingersoll also won one of several extra scholarships given -- the $200 TIFIE (Teaching Individuals and Families Independence through Enterprise) Award. The recognition was presented by local businessman Robert Workman, who established TIFIE as a nonprofit humanitarian organization in 2007.
A $500 community service award, given by Orem's mayor and City Council, went to Chelsea Dean. The $100 contestants' award -- voted on by the pageant participants -- was awarded to Haley Johnson. Ashleigh Dickerson received the $100 award from the pageant committee for her participation and attendance at pre-pageant workshops, and Alyson Sabin was given the $100 director's award for "most growth through the pageant experience."
Miss Orem 2009-2010 crowned on Saturday
Daily Herald
Chelsey Ingersoll, a graduating senior from Mountain View High School, was crowned Miss Orem 2009-2010 at the annual scholarship pageant on Saturday night at the SCERA Center for the Arts in Orem. As the new Miss Orem, Ingersoll receives $2,750 in scholarship money. She plans to attend Brigham Young University this fall, and to pursue a career as a pediatric cardiologist.
First runner-up in the competition was Alexis Hatch, a sophomore at BYU majoring in music therapy, who was awarded a $1,120 scholarship. Also named as attendants and scholarship recipients were Emily Jacobsen, Graceann Jacobson and Whitney Bunker.
In the talent competition, Ingersoll performed a sizzling tango/cha-cha dance number.
In response to an on-stage question about what has been her proudest accomplishment, Ingersoll responded, "Tonight, it was walking on stage in a swimsuit." She then added, "Waking up each day with a smile" regardless of circumstances.
Ingersoll also won one of several extra scholarships given -- the $200 TIFIE (Teaching Individuals and Families Independence through Enterprise) Award. The recognition was presented by local businessman Robert Workman, who established TIFIE as a nonprofit humanitarian organization in 2007.
A $500 community service award, given by Orem's mayor and City Council, went to Chelsea Dean. The $100 contestants' award -- voted on by the pageant participants -- was awarded to Haley Johnson. Ashleigh Dickerson received the $100 award from the pageant committee for her participation and attendance at pre-pageant workshops, and Alyson Sabin was given the $100 director's award for "most growth through the pageant experience."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Alot to Blah-Blah-BLOG about :)
We'll start with this one! My Little brother is seriously all grown up. It is kind of sad...but so great! I have had such a great time being at home with him this past year. I look up to him so much. He is such a good man. I could go on and on...but I'll mention a few of my favorite things about him. I love that he always wants me to "LOOK" or "Come See THiS!" He is fasinated and so smart. I remember teasing him really early on about always making us watch this or that. It makes me giggle inside. He has really worked hard at the piano....and I love to hear him play. He had a great ear and knows how to make his songs sound just right. Recently I had a fun time helping him ask his date Kylie Pittard to his Sr. Prom. We put manikin heads on her porch with a sign that said...."AS you can see, i'd Kill to go to prom with you...haha" Kinda creepy but super funny. He and i ran it to the porch and ended up leaving our camera on the porch were we could record her reaction. We laughed hard about it once we waited long enough to get go grab the camera back :) Fun times... Here is he and I right before he ran out the door for his last High School dance! He looked so handsome! Love you Tay!

This is a part of the gift that we gave to Mekelle for her Big day :) We did a three gift deal...It went something like this:
1st bag labled: what YOU want to wear...(Some comfy pj's)
2nd bag labled: what HE wants you to wear...(a couple different nighties and things :))
3rd bag labled: what you WILL wear....(lipgloss and lotion)

Another Wedding! This is Alicia Williams from my singles ward, I got to do her curls for her wedding! It turned out beautiful! CONGRATS! 

I treasure the times when family gets together. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being an aunt and so much enjoy the company of these little ones that bless my life. I feel so grateful to have a forever family and be sealed to those I love most.

I've been able to enjoy the temple as often as I can. Last time was there the man performing the baptisms was blind. It was neat to see him able to perform these important ordinances and with those being baptised reading him each name, he would repeat it and finish the ordinance. It brought a special spirit that to the temple and everyone who witnessed it that day.
These are my Starlight girlies! Steph wanted someone to teach Hallie and a few of her friends a performance. So with her help we did a show together. It was almost a little play...we did these songs: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Andy, Hallie, Mckenna, Hailee, and Rylee
Taylor, Mom and I and Pam were able to join Grandma and Grandpa for Monday family home evening dinner. It was such a great time spent with them. After dinner, we played domino's and grandpa had Taylor and I laughing so hard. We love you both so much!! Sidenote: I love being in their lovely home. It is always so clean and orderly. MY grandma is such a great decorater and has done some fun fun things with ther kitchen and living room. I admire her and her humble heart and happy spirit. And my grandpa is a machine...he does soo much! So active and generous!
I've been able to enjoy the temple as often as I can. Last time was there the man performing the baptisms was blind. It was neat to see him able to perform these important ordinances and with those being baptised reading him each name, he would repeat it and finish the ordinance. It brought a special spirit that to the temple and everyone who witnessed it that day.
This picture is of me, Christy Breyer, and Amanda Christiansen from my singles ward. Christy is widowed and has a little one at home. I was her visiting teacher for a while. I love her. This was the first time after a long road that she had ever gotten to be in the temple. I had a nice time being with her for that experience and reflecting on why we do certain things as i would explain to her.
I also got to go last week with Taylor and Dad to do some family names. I especially love to go to the temple with my family. My love for them grows as I get to experience such a heavenly atmosphere right there with those who mean the most to me.

Stand Out (A goffy Movie)
Toot Sweets (Chitty-Chitty-Bang Bang)
Fabulous (HSM)
Spoonful of Sugar
Let's Go Fly a Kite (both Mary Poppins)
When you Wish Upon a Star
They all did such a cute little job. We made their tu-tu's and did the performance in Stephanies church relief society room. It worked out perfect! Thanks to all the girls and their partents!
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