As the season continues, I have had many thoughts and felt much gratitude for the experiences and people who bless my life....
This year it will just be Taylor and I for Christmas Eve and morning, and then later will be joining the rest of our married syblings and their families. It is amazing how life and situations like these make you appreciate eachother and grow individually. I have loved living at home with Taylor Ray. He is constantly makin me giggle if he is not tickling me or hiding behind a dark corner ready to jump out and scare me!! I think the world of my little brother and so proud of him and his many accomplishments thus far... it is truely astounding, his talents and capablities. I am most proud of his determination to be a worthy priesthood holder and besides being worthy. He is active. Always looking for someone to serve, pray for, or visit. I love to listen to his heartfelt prayers and hear his insights about the gospel. He is very smart. It will be fun to be with him this year. Love ya Tay!
Little Savvy had her 3rd birthday! I learn so much from being around children. They teach me patience. I love that they ask so many questions, live simply, but imagine greatly! What a joy it is for me to be Aunt Haley! OHhhh, I love it! Happy Birthday Bobby. :)
I had the chance to go up to the Conference Center with some friends and hear the Tabernacle Christmas Choir. I love visiting this building. It is an incredible sight watching each row fill up with people. The Prophet and Elder Uchtdorf were both there! And after the program got to hear a few words from them. The concert was angelic! I could have sat there all day!

I Love my singles ward! These were some of the men singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!
Kay and I ( I have made some wonderful friends in my ward)
The Bomb Bishipbric!
We did gingerbread houses this week, I thought it was sooo fun! I love getting creative. Everyone's houses turned out darling! ANd So different from eachother. Tay and I did ours together.
Heidi and I
The girls worked on a gingerbread Train!! IT was so cute!
Gettin started...
Juice and Hals, playin paper dolls. very manly Justin.
Stephy working on Heidi's house...I think Steph enjoyed it as much or more than me!
Dad is such a perfectionist. Cracks me up to watch him. Cute house daddy!
Reflecting about our Savior and his birth, life, and infinate atonement, I feel so blessed to have the knowledge that I do. The spirit has testified strongly to me this holiday season of the holiness of this celebration. And I have enjoyed the activities that are preparing my heart to be ready for Christmas....
The music that played around the holidays is one of my favorite things! With my calling as the ward choir director, I have felt such a power from the music we have learned and sung so far and look forward to our Christmas Program this sunday. We had the Stake Choir concert this past sunday. My niece Hallie sang a solo and then my choir continued the rest of the song. She sang it flawlessly! I am such a proud aunt! We did two songs from the Children's Song Book. Stars Were Gleaming and Once Within a Lowly Stable. My calling blesses me and I love my choir, they did a beautiful job. I love that they sing from their hearts.

Jeff and Aubrey, Craig and I

And this would be US!
Christmas Dinner and gift exchange with the girls from Lush Studio. I am really enjoying working there. All the girls are so fun and very talented. I think we have a unique group!